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Pair of quality Antique Victorian Cranberry Glass Decanters

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Fine quality antique Victorian glass decanter
Located in Ipswich, GB
Fine quality antique Victorian decanter having an elegant antique Victorian decanter with a lovely wavy shaped top, a rounded body standing on a circular base with the original cut g...

Antique 19th Century Victorian Barware



Fine quality antique Victorian glass decanter
$277 Sale Price
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Stunning quality antique Victorian glass decanter
Located in Ipswich, GB
Stunning quality antique Victorian glass decanter having a fantastic quality antique Victorian glass decanter with a wavy top, a shaped handle ...

Antique 19th Century Victorian Barware



Stunning quality antique Victorian glass decanter
$303 Sale Price
20% Off
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Superb antique Edwardian cranberry glass wine decanter
Located in Ipswich, GB
Superb antique Edwardian cranberry glass wine decanter having a wonderful cranberry glass decanter etched with stars with a silver plated neck and ...

20th Century Edwardian Barware



Stunning quality antique Mary Gregory blue glass decanter
Located in Ipswich, GB
Stunning quality antique Mary Gregory blue glass decanter having a stunning quality Mary Gregory blue glass decanter with white enamel decoration and...

Antique 19th Century Victorian Barware



Quality collection of antique Victorian cranberry glass
Located in Ipswich, GB
Quality collection of antique Victorian cranberry glass consisting of nine lovely cranberry glass items, four shaped jugs, two glasses and three ...

Antique Early 19th Century Victorian Glass



Pair of antique Edwardian cut glass decanters
Located in Ipswich, GB
Pair of antique Edwardian cut glass decanters, Having a quality pair of cut glass shaped decanters with the original cut glass diamond sh...

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Pair of antique Edwardian cut glass decanters
$303 Sale Price / set
20% Off
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