Patrick de Warren Photography
Patrick de Warren was immediately seduced by fashion and its universe. Every day brings a new canvas while everything around him insights new ideas. Photographers such as Margaret Bourke-White, Sarah Moon, Paolo Roversi and Javier Vallhonrat were always a source of inspiration. For de Warren, being able to capture moments of his life is a passion and a constant inspiration particularly when working with Polaroids. Since attaining a career in fashion photography, de Warren has been featured in numerous publications and has exhibited internationally, notably at Japan’s Kintetsu Art Museum in Osaka and the Kobe Fashion Museum in Kobe. In the year 2000, he was hand-selected by Giorgio Armani to be one of the few photographers involved with the Armani Art Exchange Project. Also, in 2002 the photographer won the Polaroid International Photography Award for North America. De Warren has recently adopted a more cinematic approach to his work by experimenting with film and video.
21st Century and Contemporary Patrick de Warren Photography
Archival Pigment
1960s Modern Patrick de Warren Photography
Color, Archival Pigment
2010s Photorealist Patrick de Warren Photography
Digital, Archival Paper, Archival Pigment
2010s Photorealist Patrick de Warren Photography
Archival Pigment
2010s Contemporary Patrick de Warren Photography
Archival Pigment
21st Century and Contemporary Contemporary Patrick de Warren Photography
Archival Pigment
1960s Contemporary Patrick de Warren Photography
Archival Pigment
21st Century and Contemporary Contemporary Patrick de Warren Photography
Archival Pigment
2010s Contemporary Patrick de Warren Photography
Archival Pigment
1960s Contemporary Patrick de Warren Photography
Archival Pigment
1960s Contemporary Patrick de Warren Photography
Archival Pigment
1960s Contemporary Patrick de Warren Photography
Archival Pigment
2010s Patrick de Warren Photography
Digital, Archival Pigment