1stDibs Promise - 1stDibs

Our Promise to You

1stDibs is committed to your satisfaction and peace of mind with every purchase. We are a community of design enthusiasts, and our team is dedicated to making your shopping experience a delight.

Expertly Vetted Sellers

We work to ensure that each of our sellers adheres to strict standards for service and quality, which enables us to maintain the integrity of our listings.


Confidence at Checkout

We accept multiple payment options for your convenience and provide comprehensive fraud protection and prevention.


Price-Match Guarantee

If you find that a seller listed the same item for a lower price elsewhere, we’ll match it.


Exceptional Support

Our dedicated specialists will answer your questions and assist with any order-related needs.


Worry-Free Cancellations

You have a 24-hour grace period in which to reconsider your purchase, with no questions asked.


Buyer Protection

If your item arrives not as described, we’ll work with you and the seller to make it right.


Trusted Global Delivery

Our best-in-class carrier network provides specialized shipping options that include custom delivery almost anywhere in the world.



Expertly Vetted Sellers

Our team of industry experts thoroughly evaluates all sellers and makers, so that listings on 1stDibs are high quality and offered by experienced professionals.


Price-Match Guarantee

We expect all our sellers to offer their lowest price. If you discover the same item listed for less by the same seller elsewhere, we'll match the price.

  • The Price-Match Guarantee applies to advertised list prices by the same seller for the same item.
  • To qualify for our Price-Match Guarantee, contact our Customer Support team with a copy of the lower advertised list price within 7 calendar days of purchasing.

For more information on our Price-Match Guarantee Contact Us

Buyer Protection

In the unlikely event that you receive an item that is significantly different than described or that has been damaged in transit, we'll work with you and the seller to make it right.

Your purchase is eligible
for Buyer Protection if:

  • The order was placed online through our secure checkout
  • The item is significantly different than described, was damaged in transit or never arrived
  • You reported the issue within 7 calendar days of the delivery date (or the promised delivery date, for non-delivered items)
  • Please note: If you have any concerns regarding authenticity, you may report the issue at any time for review

Your purchase is not eligible
for Buyer Protection if:

  • You are returning an item that was accurately described and not damaged in transit. (Note that in these cases, you may still be able to return the item if permitted under the seller’s stated return policy or, for EU-based buyers, in accordance with EU law and our User Agreement)
  • You elected to arrange your own shipping or retrieve the item in-person

1stDibs reserves the right to update or modify the terms of our Buyer Protection policy at any time.